100 Days In Power
Following the local elections in May 2022, the Liberal Democrats took over the leadership of Stockport council as the largest party, with 28 seats to Labour's 25.
The first 100 days of the new Liberal Democrat Cabinet in Stockport

Having been confirmed as the new administration in mid-May, the Cabinet have just marked their first four months as the administration leading Stockport Council and have taken this moment to look back on the achievements of their first 100 days in office.
Reversed Labour's decision to close Stockport Central Library
The Lib Dems kept their pledge and reversed the previous Labour administration's decision to close Stockport's Central Library. The Central Library will now continue to offer library services to Stockport's residents, allowing the public to access and enjoy this iconic heritage building. Providing a new base for our adult education service, having both this and library services in the same building will encourage our adult learners to then use the library itself to support and enhance their own learning. Improved library technology will also allow Central Library to extend its opening hours, including being open on a Sunday.
Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

At its meeting in February the Council agreed a Liberal Democrat budget amendment to give a rebate on council tax to households in bands A to D, acknowledging the difficulties faced by our residents as the economy is impacted by Brexit, Covid and the war in Ukraine. We have mounted a special initiative on Pension Credit claims, run drop-in events explaining all the help available, plus a one-stop shop revision to our website to put all help in one accessible place. We have set out our target to freeze council tax for next year, despite the huge uncertainties about what a new Government will do about local government finances. To ensure council money is best targeted this winter, we will be holding a summit in early October of public and third sector partners who work directly with our most vulnerable residents to hear their views of where such support is best directed.
Focused on climate change and the environment
One of our first acts was to announce a new portfolio focusing specifically on climate change and the environment to ensure this most important issue influences all our thinking across the council. This has already delivered an innovative Schools Climate Assembly, a successful Climate Summit, focussing on food and energy, and a critical review of the targets from the previous administration. Early wins include accelerating plans to triple the number of electric vehicle charging bays this year and considerable ongoing work to help set more ambitious, science-based targets. Funding has also been secured for the exciting and innovative Cheadle Eco Business Park, which will act as an exemplar for low-carbon technologies and clean energy production. This will help to accelerate the green business sector, providing quality jobs for the future and is another major first for Stockport.
Commissioned a detailed review in the future of Woodbank Hall
We have paused Labour's proposal to convert Woodbank Hall, a Grade II listed building, into private housing. The proposal was very unpopular with local residents as increased vehicular access could disrupt the very popular park and green space in which it sits. We have commissioned an all-options review to determine the best use of this building for the future and, in the meantime, are arranging urgent work to be undertaken to prevent any further deterioration of the building fabric.
Finished policy developments of our Local Plan but paused the planned consultation to try to further protect our Green Belt and save money
Since the Liberal Democrats successfully persuaded the Council to opt out of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, which would have seen a significant loss of Green Belt whilst chasing arbitrary national housing targets, we have continued to progress the policies needed for our Local Plan through an all-party working group. These are now almost finalised but, because of national policy uncertainties where the top-down housing targets could soon be entirely scrapped, we have paused the consultation due to happen over the autumn while we await clarity from central government. This will save the council around £200,000, the estimated cost of the consultation. Pausing at this point may also help us to protect even more of our Green Belt if the current, top-down, targets are indeed abolished.
Commissioned a Local Government Association Peer Review
Something not done since the Liberal Democrats were last in administration, we have commissioned an independent Local Government Association Peer Review to look critically at the way the council operates and give an external assessment, with advice and guidance, from experienced local government officers and senior elected members from other councils. We are keen to be open to challenge and to learn from best practice elsewhere whenever we can.
Preparing a Greater Manchester 'Town of Culture' bid
We are preparing to launch a bid for Stockport to become Greater Manchester's 'Town of Culture' 2023. The title is awarded to a town in the Greater Manchester region every year and we hope we would be able to use the grant awarded to capitalise on our borough's rich culture and history. The 'Town of Culture' status would bring new opportunities to both residents and visitors of Stockport, leaving a lasting legacy.
Achieved Greater Manchester 'Good Employment Charter' status

This recognises the council's commitment to the essential pillars of being a good employer, such as fair pay, employee engagement and workforce wellbeing. We recognise the council's employees are our biggest asset and we are willing to listen to and invest in them. All SMBC employees are paid at or above Real Living Wage levels.
Reflecting on these achievements, Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and of Stockport Council, said: "I am immensely proud of leading a Cabinet comprising such a dedicated and talented group of fellow Lib Dem Councillors - in our first 100 days in office we have already achieved so much. I look forward to the year ahead as we take on the inevitable challenges posed by a new government and work to deliver the very best for the residents and businesses across our Borough."